These cookies are set for customers who use the Browsealoud service, to read aloud and translate content on our site. The cookies enable the service to function by storing the user’s selections and preferences as they move around the site, including their settings for the tool, any language selection they might have made, the position of the toolbar, and their acceptance of the disclaimers.
This website uses Browsealoud, an accessibility and reading support add-on that helps you to read the content. To learn more about Browsealoud, visit
Browsealoud stores some data in the Local Storage in your browser, to enable the add-on to work correctly and remember your preferences. Examples of preferences include colour choices, translation language choices, or screen mask configuration. Look at the Browsealoud user settings panel to see all the different types of information.
Browsealoud also stores the toolbar state. This ensures that when you enable an icon, it will remain enabled when you return to the website, or navigate to another page.
Browsealoud does not transmit any of this information to Texthelp servers.